Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sunny Portland!

I have no doubt that Julian will love Amanda forever! You can't help but smile all the time when you're around this couple. About a week and a half ago, I traveled to Portland, Oregon to photograph Amanda and Julian's spectactular day! I've been to Portland dozens and dozens of times, and the weather this day was about as good as it gets! I flew up to Portland on Friday, so that I could photograph the rehearsal and dinner. Fittingly enough, the rehearsal dinner was held at an old school. Amanda is a 5th grade teacher, and there couldn't have been a better location to start the festivities.

 Here is the cake topper than one of Amanda's 5th grade students was completely out of foil! Talk about a one of a kind gift!

Amanda and Julian began their life together in a special place. They were married at the chapel on the University of Portland's campus, and then had their reception at the commons just across the walkway. Now, if you've ever seen a "commons" on a college campus, then you may be thinking, "really?". I assure you that this "commons" surpasses anything that I've EVER seen on a campus. I've done weddings at hotels that weren't as nice as this place. Besides a beautiful building, the view was EXTRAORDINARY! The chapel and commons sit on the edge of "the bluff"-overlooking the Willamette river, the hillside and all the glory this space has to offer!

Amanda and Julian both went to UP, and knew each other a little, but didn't get to be friends until after graduation. This couple is so freakin' adorable that everyone who is around the just smile! They both have such a fun sense of humor, and as you'll be able to see from the slideshow, their serious side just peeks out once in a while ;)

I love traveling out of the Sac area to photograph weddings, and am so excited that I have several out of state weddings this year!

 Every time I go to Portland, I'm always amazed at how beautiful Mt. Ranier is!

Most of the time, it's the bride who is aware of the details. I love the little touches that Julian wanted...custom made bow tie and hat...and look at those socks!
The bridesmaids are all so fun, and adorable! Amanda had her two sisters, and two college friends, as her bridesmaids. Those were come of the cutest dresses I've ever seen, and they were only $50!

The chapel and new bell tower, look so or night.

The groomsmen were just as much fun as the girls! Love this "He went to Jarred" pose ;)

Enjoy their slideshow, and be sure to leave them some love, in the comment section!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Life is muddy

This morning I spent a few hours with hundreds and hundreds of "Fighting Zebras". Lincoln high's mascot is a fighting zebra, and everyone who has ever been associated with the school consideres themselves a zebra. Our town is very proud of our stripes, and those who "wear" them. Even those who have never been to Lincoln were, as the high school principal said, considered an honorary zebra this morning. As a smaller community, we are very tight knit. When a tragedy strikes one, it strikes us all. I wish I could say that tragedy has never hit the high school, but sadly it has...over and over and over again. It seems that in the 11 years that I've lived here, there has been at least one teenager almost every year who has lost their life. Each of those were a tremendous tragedy and loss, and we will mourn them forever. In the last year however, our community has felt some unspeakable tragedies. Three young men from our town, took their lives over a course of just a few months.

The heartbreak that is still felt by those who knew them, know their parents, know these young men's stories, or maybe just knowing a young person like them, is palpable. Reading the walls on facebook is gutwrenching beyond belief.

What is even more unbelievable, is what the families of Aldo, Jake and Travis have done. Suicide means that the family and friends are left with unanswered questions-not only about why, but what was life going to hold for that special person down the road. As one of the mom's said today, the family's future was taken away. Because of these families' bravery and courage, they took their personal nightmares, unselfishly shared them with the community, and are not afraid to do whatever it takes to keep another family from having to endure this type of pain. After speaking with so many people today, I came to realize that almost every person I spoke with loves someone who committed suicide.

Before the mud run started today, each of the families spoke a few words. As I looked out into the crowd, there wasn't one person who could hide their feelings. Maybe not everyone cried, but the raw emotion that I could see on each and every face, proved to me that these families were making their message clear...suicide does not have to happen, and there are ways to fight the private demons that one feels when they are on the edge of that cliff.

As I stood there today, I know we each took a private oath that we will do everything humanly possible to reach out to anyone we feel may be contemplating this horrific path...but especially the young people.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank these families for stopping at least one person from taking his or her life-I don't know who that person is, but I know for absolute certainty that someone heard their message, today. I also know with certainty, that Aldo, Jake and Travis are absolutely beaming with pride, and thanking God for allowing their parents to make such a mark on this town, and the world!

As sad, yet inspirational, as the opening ceremonies were, we also had FUN. I don't think I need to say much about a mud run, so I'll let the photos and slideshow do the talking!

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Marian and Ned Gault; People To Be Proud Of

This title says it all! I know we've all heard about what it's like to be in the midst of an astronaut, a president, or someone so unbelievably unique that just being in their presence is extraordinary. Sunday was my day to be around such people. Before I tell you about this remarkable event, let me give you a little back story... In September of 1968, I walked into a 3rd grade classroom at Farnham Elementary, that will forever be one of my favorite school environments. (Yes, that's me in the middle of the bottom row, with the orange dress. I think someone should have talked my mother out of that purchase, haha)
Marian Gault was, and is, a beautiful, warm, kind hearted woman, with long golden hair, of which I was so envious. She made her classroom fun, and created memories that will be embedded in my mind as long as I live. During that school year, she introduced her students to her handsome husband of six years, and together they taught her little eight and nine year old students the passion that they both had...folk dancing. Marian and Ned met each other in a folk dancing atmosphere, and quickly became partners. In 1962 they were married, and have been dancing ever since. As students, we were not only taught folk dancing, but we made costumes, to go with our upcoming performance (there's a photo of that infamous "skirt". I think it was made out of interfacing, with flowers ironed on it-again, someone needed to talk my mother out of that hair bow! LOL). Over the years, I would reminisce about the things I remembered, and as I became a mom and my daughters entered school, I would tell them about my favorite teacher. In 1995, my daughter had a fantastic third grade teacher and it made me wonder what ever happened to Mrs. Gault. This was just as internet was getting started, so I pulled out the good old trusty white pages, and to my amazement she was still at the same address! I located an old photo of me in the 3rd grade, wrote a letter, and sent it off to someone who I was fairly certain wouldn't remember me. I didn't write the letter for any other reason than to let her know that this former student remembered her fondly, but knew how much I would love to receive a response. Not only did I receive a beautiful letter in return, but she remembered me and it was the beginning of our "reunion".                                                        She told me how her third grade classes were just a brief part of her teaching, and that she ended up in junior high, before an early retirement from public school education. She subsequently taught art, calligraphy, continued to dance, and travel around the world (For some reason I think this photo was taking in the mid to late 1960s, because I remember this photo from back then). I can't tell you how quickly my heart was beating the first time I saw her, after we exchanged letters. I was so excited to see her, but nervous as well. Within seconds, she put me at ease, just as she did in September of 1968. Since that time, I look forward to her beautiful, handmade cards, every Christmas; I even save the envelopes. You may think that strange, but if you saw the gorgeous handwriting, you'd know why! I treasure every time we get to see one another, and am so happy my husband and girls have had the honor of meeting her and Ned.

Okay, so about Sunday...When I received their last card at Christmas it had said that she and Ned were going to have a celebration on June 3, with invitation to follow. They wanted to combine their birthdays, 50th anniversary, and a living memorial to Marian, all in one fantastic gala. Although I knew I wouldn't know anyone at the celebration, except for Marian and Ned, I was still excited to attend. When the invitation arrived a while back, I blocked out that weekend, so I could travel to the Bay Area and witness the extravaganza. The event was to take place at the Sunnyvale Community Center, where so many of their dance performances, and classes, had been held over the years. This couple is so popular, that the line for the registration table quickly wrapped around the room. Old friends met up after many years, and new friends were made in quick conversations. The one chain that linked us all together, was that we were all there to celebrate the life of two stupendous people. Not knowing any of the people I met, I would lead off with "So, how do you know Marian and/or Ned?". Within minutes, I realized that they are so multifaceted, that they have friends from every activity in their life! Subsequently, people would ask how I knew them; proudly, I would say "I was one of Marian's 3rd grade students". Boy, did that get the conversation going! I remember within about an hour, when people would ask me the same question, their response was something like "Oh, YOU'RE the one! I've been hearing about you". ;)

In the back end of the room were tables that contained scrapbooks, prints of Marian's artwork and Ned's photos, articles they'd published, sheet music he had written, certificates, plaques, newspaper articles, recognition from cities and Chamber of Commerces, and the list goes on. Let's just say that I thought I might walk out of there saying that I want a "do over" with my life ;) I never knew that it was possible for two people to live life to that extreme! Although I was Marian's only former 3rd grade student in attendance, there were people there who had been in their adult ed classes, who danced with them over the years (whether in the troup or as students), friends, family, and people who had been at their wedding on May 19, 1962. Within no time, I learned that Marian was more than a former public school teacher, and Ned was more than her lifelong dance partner. I obviously knew they were dancers, who had traveled the world with their dance troupes, however I felt like I was in the presence of greatness. As I was writing this, I started to tell you all the things they've done, and I feel like I'm going to do them a grave disservice because I know that I'd be omitting so many things. However, here are a couple things that stood out to me...Marian's art was first published when she was 11 years old. A few years ago, she entered a national handwriting contest and won first place (now do you understand why I keep her envelopes)! All these years I was thinking that she was born in the mid to late 1930's (about my parents' age)--I found out on Sunday, that she is 92 years young!!! Look at the images I took of them dancing--I'll be lucky if I can do that when I'm 80! They actually treated us all to a tango, as well as a waltz. Dancing With The Stars could learn a thing or two from them. Ned was part of a group who was the first to create the semi conductor; he is a glass blower, musician, composer, author, and taught high school chemistry, as well as adult ed photoshop and photography. I was teasing him that I am going to send them a disc of images, but that he's not allowed to email me and say that I need to take one of his photography classes :)
Naturally, I go to very few events without my camera, and was so honored to help them to remember the day. I know that every single person who was in attendance felt just as special as I did--Marian and Ned have a way of making people feel that way. As I told Marian, I thank her for what she did for me when I was a child, but I'm even more grateful for the friendship she's given me as an adult. To all my new friends I met at the gala, please enjoy the slideshow below, and if you want any of the images, just let me know. As I told someone the other day, I walked into a room of two friends, and 200 strangers, and left with 200 new friends! When I was thinking about what song to use for the slideshow, I originally thought about using one of Ned's original compositions. However, Monday morning, I heard this song on my ipod. The words spoke to me and I instantly thought of Marian and Ned, and how the song talks about having a moment that lasts forever, and being lucky enough to do something that most people only dream of. If you want to see additional photos that aren't on this blog go to      

For Marian and Ned...words seem insignificant when I describe the two of you, and how you make people feel. Your gentleness, grace, laughter, knowledge and zest for life are things we all love about you. On Tuesday, I heard someone speaking about the Queen's jubilee, and they said that most wonderful tributes like that, sadly, occur after someone has passed. Marian, I immediately thought of you, and am so grateful that we all had the opportunity to tell you, and show you, how extraordinarily special you are. The fond memories I have from that singular year in the 3rd grade will forever be in my heart, but I have new memories of the two of you that are going to be held just as dear. Although I know I'm just a very small, and brief, portion of your life, I thank you for welcoming me on Sunday and allowing me to meet all the incredible people you love. You both will always be very special to me...AND THE WORLD! With much love and gratitude, Debbie   

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