Have you ever had one of those days where you're just happy to be alive and so grateful for the people you care about that you can't believe how lucky you are? Today was one of those days for me.
Since it was Cassie's birthday I wanted to make sure we did something fun. When I was doing some engagement portraits the other day I noticed how many berries were growing at that location, so I thought about how much fun it would be to gather the kids for an afternoon of berry picking. Along with Ali, Katie and Cassie, we packed up our friends (my "adopted" niece and nephew) Mackenzie and Carson and headed out to Folsom.
What a fabulous day! I was a little worried when woke up to...RAIN--in July??? Yup, it was a little soggy this morning. However, the afternoon could not have been more perfect. We played by the water, picked some berries, did some hiking and really had a blast! As I was teaching the kids how to skip stones, and taking their photos I realized that times like this is what life is really all about. One of the things that I've always loved, and appreciated, about my girls is that they truly enjoy the simple things-the times when we just hang out together and make memories.
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